First off, I am extremly disapointed at all the negitive things going on in this clan at the moment.
I can not believe we let it get like this. I can't believe it at all.
This board is for Admin and Mod's, If you are a member, I can't stop you from reading this, but if you get your feelings hurt, I can't help that either.. So you've been warned.
I made this board because the mod's and admin do not ever talk or discuss ANY of the desions being made here, together. Some mod's are not even aware of the changes being made around them.
Secondly, No, I am not an Admin, But, I see many problems I want to address, And I realize by doing this, I will make many enemys here... Which is very sad to me, But I feel that to keep BDA from falling apart, (which it is very close too) that we need to discuss these things. Your either going to agree or hate me, and I am prepared for either. Kick me out if you want, Because things are getting that bad here.
1. Merging.
I am aware that we have merged with The Dojo. Although I wasnt informed for the longest time. I saw the forum on it, but that was just saying that they had merged and other non-sense, but there was NO discussion BEFORE with me or most of the mods about merging or anything, I know I am not one of the most important people here but the mods should of at least had there say in it, but I am certain that the leaders didnt all get informed or have a talk about it either...
As I learned about yesteray, Is that we are merging with yet anouther clan.. I really dont know what to think about this, I WAS informed we were getting a new site, but I thought that was just improvments, but now I know we are merging with anouther clan. How I found out was a very sad way, I was told by one of the other members here at BDA, how they hated the idea and that no one would listen, And that they were making a new clan as a fall back, Not giving out names, but this was a pretty good idea for those that want to leave this clan because there is no communication here. Other members that did not like the idea were also going to leave with them. That is unacceptable! Not their plan, they were pushed so hard that this was their only hope, that is sad. They couldnt even believe in BDA anymore because we have no rules, or decision systems here.
We need to talk and make polls on things, I dont think the admin alone should even make choices because they dont know what the clan all wants, they need to see what everyone thinks then make a edjucated choice.
2. Negitivity
The amount of negitivity and rudeness in this clan is UN-believeable. Guys, It is really bad.. Every time I get on the chat there is someone insulting anouther person, people catorigizing each other, putting others down for their stratagies of brawling, ect. I can not stand this. A clan isnt and shouldnt be like this. A clan should be supportive of each other and want to make everyone stronger. Not put others down.
3. Mod's
To be honest. Some of the people who are mod's shouldnt be. Some dont do anything, and when the time comes that someone is banned, they dont go by rules, but by whos their friend. This is one of the things that is making me VERY angry. I am trying so hard to keep a few basic rules going here in BDA and no one listens, no body has respect for this clan anymore. It really sickens me. First off when someone becomes a mod, no one was informed why or what happened. Now im going to list names and reasons for why people shouldnt be mod's.. (...Please dont kill me)
Toonlinkmaster25- His grammer is terrible, which I know doesnt matter. But the real reason is that, he doesnt care about the rules, he lets people break the rules on the chat and does nothing about it. He also bans and kicks people for no reason.
SonicMaster300- He isnt on the chat often but I see his board posts and he is doing exactly the oppisite of what a mod should be doing, He is being very insulting to the members, he has been spamming on the boards, and insulting others.
Pim- By the time Pim became a mod we didnt need anymore, Pim has alot of "personal problems" that he likes to share on the chat, which is fine but I never saw him earn the spot for mod. I havent seen him recruit anyone and never seen him inforce the rules. I have nothing against him I just dont think he should have this position.
Guvan- Im not sure about him, He hasnt done anything wrong that I have seen, but once again I wasnt informed of why he is mod or since when, so I am really not sure.. But he is barely on the chat anyways from what I see.
4. SB - Street Brawlers
Some of you are friends with people from SB but they are ALWAYS lignering on our chat and causing problems, including people from other verious clans. I think there should be anouther way for you to talk with them besides on our chat because I feel our home chat should be a place for peaceful BDA talking only. Not that I dont like the other people, its just less problems for us.
5. Talk on Athoritys
I think it is terrible how some of you guys are blaming Aldo and others for the reason people are leaving, because let me tell you it is not just one person or even a few people, its this whole clan.
If we cant fix this, we are going to die.
And I wont be here for that.
And neither will the others.
So listen up and change, or people are leaving,.