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This is really really old. But... I_vote_lcapThis is really really old. But... I_voting_barThis is really really old. But... I_vote_rcap 
This is really really old. But... I_vote_lcapThis is really really old. But... I_voting_barThis is really really old. But... I_vote_rcap 
This is really really old. But... I_vote_lcapThis is really really old. But... I_voting_barThis is really really old. But... I_vote_rcap 
This is really really old. But... I_vote_lcapThis is really really old. But... I_voting_barThis is really really old. But... I_vote_rcap 
This is really really old. But... I_vote_lcapThis is really really old. But... I_voting_barThis is really really old. But... I_vote_rcap 
This is really really old. But... I_vote_lcapThis is really really old. But... I_voting_barThis is really really old. But... I_vote_rcap 
This is really really old. But... I_vote_lcapThis is really really old. But... I_voting_barThis is really really old. But... I_vote_rcap 
This is really really old. But... I_vote_lcapThis is really really old. But... I_voting_barThis is really really old. But... I_vote_rcap 
This is really really old. But... I_vote_lcapThis is really really old. But... I_voting_barThis is really really old. But... I_vote_rcap 
This is really really old. But... I_vote_lcapThis is really really old. But... I_voting_barThis is really really old. But... I_vote_rcap 

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This is really really old. But... I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 04, 2013 12:36 pm by Aldo

» This is really really old. But...
This is really really old. But... I_icon_minitimeSun May 17, 2009 1:22 pm by xM4GEx

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This is really really old. But... I_icon_minitimeSun May 17, 2009 1:15 pm by xM4GEx

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This is really really old. But... I_icon_minitimeSun May 17, 2009 1:01 pm by xM4GEx

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This is really really old. But... I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 20, 2009 5:38 pm by M-WUZ-H3R3

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» Dragonball Z : 2008 OVA (full movie/streaming/JP with English Subtitles)
This is really really old. But... I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 11, 2009 1:48 pm by HBKA!DRE

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This is really really old. But... I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 13, 2008 7:14 pm by Gouk


 This is really really old. But...

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Join date : 2009-05-17
Age : 31
Location : New York

This is really really old. But... Empty
PostSubject: This is really really old. But...   This is really really old. But... I_icon_minitimeSun May 17, 2009 1:22 pm

A really really old trick that's been known for a while. But I figure since it hasn't been posted up yet, i'll put it up. If A Snake player is recovering low with his up B, grab him on the way up. Mash the Z-button till he lets go, and he'll fall to his death. This also works on Sonic. If he's recovering low with his spring, grab him on the way up/down and let him go off of the edge. He'll fall to his death as well. The way that it works is that a grab release does not count as a hit, not letting the opponent do their upB recovery again. Therefore, when you release them, they don't have any other way to recover.
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