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Hello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_vote_lcapHello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_voting_barHello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_vote_rcap 
Hello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_vote_lcapHello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_voting_barHello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_vote_rcap 
Hello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_vote_lcapHello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_voting_barHello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_vote_rcap 
Hello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_vote_lcapHello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_voting_barHello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_vote_rcap 
Hello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_vote_lcapHello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_voting_barHello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_vote_rcap 
Hello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_vote_lcapHello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_voting_barHello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_vote_rcap 
Hello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_vote_lcapHello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_voting_barHello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_vote_rcap 
Hello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_vote_lcapHello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_voting_barHello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_vote_rcap 
Hello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_vote_lcapHello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_voting_barHello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_vote_rcap 
Hello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_vote_lcapHello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_voting_barHello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_vote_rcap 

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» Hello, its a me, Aldo and Im back...
Hello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 04, 2013 12:36 pm by Aldo

» This is really really old. But...
Hello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_icon_minitimeSun May 17, 2009 1:22 pm by xM4GEx

» Brawl and Mortal Kombat? Not bad.
Hello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_icon_minitimeSun May 17, 2009 1:15 pm by xM4GEx

» Friend code/ temporary friend finder
Hello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_icon_minitimeSun May 17, 2009 1:01 pm by xM4GEx

» Ajax is back in motion, but this is for you aldo
Hello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 20, 2009 5:38 pm by M-WUZ-H3R3

» BDA revival
Hello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 09, 2009 2:32 pm by chandy

» BDA 2.0: the new deadly alliance
Hello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 08, 2009 9:11 am by HBKA!DRE

» Dragonball Z : 2008 OVA (full movie/streaming/JP with English Subtitles)
Hello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 11, 2009 1:48 pm by HBKA!DRE

» Some of my work.
Hello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 13, 2008 7:14 pm by Gouk


 Hello, its a me, Aldo and Im back...

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Posts : 46
Join date : 2008-09-04

Hello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... Empty
PostSubject: Hello, its a me, Aldo and Im back...   Hello, its a me, Aldo and Im back... I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 04, 2013 12:36 pm

Hello, its a me, Aldo and Im back but are any of you guys around these parts anymore? I've been reading some old threads and its good to remember the old times (good & bad) that we had here. After 4-5 long years Im back but is it too late in brawl's life cycle for anyone to still come by here to visit at least? If you still come by and see my post leave a comment below and say Hai!
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Hello, its a me, Aldo and Im back...
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» Ajax is back in motion, but this is for you aldo

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